Seattle to LA on bike

Saturday, June 25, 2005

6/20/05 Day 1, Bellevue to Tacoma, WA, 55 miles

I spent my sweet time weaning myself from my parents’ house, where I had been hungrily nursing for the past 7 months, and really, for the past 28 years, with occasional breaks for travels and studies. I had originally planned to leave a week earlier. It was actually a bit emotional, because I knew that this goodbye was different than all the others. This goodbye had a sense of permanence to it.

As I finally hugged my mom goodbye and took off down the street, I felt a very real switch. I was on my own... Old chapter closed... new chapter begun.

The ride itself was mostly flat and easy. I followed the Eastern shores of Lake Washington into Renton, and then followed the Interurban Trail through Kent, Auburn, and Pacific, before cruising west into Tacoma.

I made my first stop in Renton at Jet City Espresso, where I was graced with the first of what I'm sure will be many kind gestures from strangers. Paul, whose wife owns the place, bought me an Odwalla and a delicious muffin on the house. He and Norman, a regular, told me about the Interurban trail (which I hadn't even known existed) and helped me find an access point. Thanks guys!

By the time I got to my sister Renee and her husband Dan's place in Renton, my whole lower body was numb. I was greeted to my little nephew Jesse running down the street to greet me. He and my niece Heather found it hard to believe I rode all the way from Grandma's!

We had some dinner and watched the movie Hitch, which was pretty darn entertaining, but that may be the endorphins talkin... day 1, complete!

Note: The pictures below are all from day 1.


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