Seattle to LA on bike

Sunday, June 26, 2005

You probably can't really see this, but it's a Ham radio operator with a giant cross antenna rising 30 feet above him. Tonight was some sort of special Ham radio day where all the operators from around the world set up their contraptions and talk to each other. This guy was talking to some guy in Hawaii in morse code. I had never actually witnessed someone communicating in morse code. I found it amazing that he could translate the long and short beeps into words. "It's just another language", he said. Binary bits of information, processed by the sometimes sophisticated computer called the brain. Apparently Bay city is a good place to Ham, because there were numerous other broadcasters in the small county park where I camped. I could hear their beeps late into the night, and they were still at it when I got up the next morning! Serious hobby!!  Posted by Hello


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