Seattle to LA on bike

Monday, July 18, 2005

... I met some nice folkse who insisted on buying me drinks and then driving me to my campsite :) This is a self-portrait at 50 mph in the back of a Dodge pickup. They dropped me off at the entrance, and I found the hiker biker site in the pitch black. Good times...  Posted by Picasa


  • More "nice folks who insisted" ? Hmmm. I see one hand, where is the other? Hmmmmmm.

    I can all too easily picture it holding a knife to the drivers throat and you screaming to the trembling local: "IF YOU EVER WANT TO SEE A SUNRISE AGAIN, YOU'LL DRIVE YOUR DRUNKEN HILLBILLY ASS OVER TO MY CAMPGROUND AND LET ME OFF"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:10 PM  

  • My name is Ed. I was that "drunken hillbilly." My wife Marilyn and I did not "insist" as you correctly postulate. Greg was a great guy and my wife especially enjoyed hearing his story. By the way the truck was a Ford not a Dodge but Greg was so far gone on all the free beer we provided for him I would not expect him to have known the difference in the dark. There was also the startling "rebel yell" he gave out as we left the
    bar. He must have been practicing for his sojourn in Georgia. Seriously, we enjoyed your company Greg and are enjoying your Blog and website. Sorry we did not take you all the way into camp but I was afraid my muffler would antagonize campers and we might be strung up in a redwood on the banks of the Gualala river! Good luck with your trip and your future and may our paths cross again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:16 PM  

  • Ed, no offense intended, I will try to tone down my wise ass blanket condemnation of total strangers-you sound like a good man.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:09 PM  

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