Seattle to LA on bike

Friday, July 08, 2005

Karaoke night #2 comes to a close. After setting up camp, I had a couple barley and hops based beverages under the afore-displayed faaaaaaace ahhhh! and stumbled upon (figure of speech) a karaoke joint. They had a nice selection of Doors songs and I think I did ALL of them :) In the process, I met Roberto, we played some pool, and I ended up in his van (pic). Why are my karaoke stories always riddled with innuendo? He gave me a ride, you sickos! And a pleasant ride it was. It was raining, people!! Come on! Geez! Freaks ;) Speaking of freak, it did scare me a bit when this windowless van comes flying by me on a deserted street and then screeched to a halt. Saved me a long walk to camp. Road angels I tell ya.. Posted by Picasa


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