Seattle to LA on bike

Friday, July 15, 2005

On a pit stop at the Espresso Yourself cafe, I met this nice lady on her way to Bellingham, who gave me a good luck stone necklace she had just purchased. Alas, I've no pic...  Posted by Picasa


  • i just sturbbed to her.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:53 PM  

  • Sturbbing comment was posted by either you, Drk, the grimey mexi-stashed one (justin) or you have been sharing the Eastside 'till I die lingo with others. Which is it?

    Love the blog man. Epic journey you are on. I am living vicariously through you because I would never have the balls to do it solo. I would like to see some effort to strike up some amazing games along the way. You never know what kind of craze you could start in one of these small little towns. In 10 years you could be known as the founding father of the Mt. Shasta hand pong society. Tread lightly but always leave a mark wherever you go.

    I watched the "Motorcycle Diaries" the other day and thought of you. That's a movie in case you haven't quite caught up on your pop culture yet.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:19 PM  

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