Seattle to LA on bike

Friday, July 08, 2005

Shakespeare by the fire anyone?

These signs are scattered down the coast assuring you that you're not on the east coast going north. I have come to like them. They're cute or something... security, like a blanket or a paycheck... hmmm.

I slept in Umpqua Lighthouse SP. The hiker biker site was full, but a group of former Southern Oregon U (in Ashland) students invited me to squeeze in with them. We stayed up late sitting around the fire and throwing around ideas about mythology, symbolism, ethics and law... what fun! Sharp folks! One of them-Glen- even did a monologue from Romeo and Juliet that he had used to audition for the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland. He's still awaiting an answer, but I'd be shocked if he doesn't get the part!

I slept till 2:30 the next day! Log man strikes again!!Posted by Picasa


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