Seattle to LA on bike

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Sun in mud flats Posted by Picasa


  • sorry but i think this picture is EVIL.
    (justed watched "Dark Water", and am a bit edgy)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:30 PM  

  • it is evil...destroy it NOW

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:35 PM  

  • Our Lady of iniquitous mud puddles?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:13 PM  

  • ...and from that moment on, for the rest of his life, anonymous dedicated his life to coming up with something that would make drk laugh, crack a smile...or at least nullify the tude.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:12 PM  

  • yo Drk & anonymous! This is Greg's blog! You are guests in his house!

    Anonymous:chill with the evil puddles-I am starting to see things in it.

    Drk: Lighten up, Francis. Potter comment was about as clever as Anon's comment was humorous: not very.

    "Nice web site Greg. looks like fun. safe travels!"
    [common Drk & anon, you can do it]

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:25 PM  

  • Dear Drk,
    Forgive the intrusion but I happened upon this blog. Being the tecnical/wall street type, the line of these comments has left me lost. I crave to rectify the situation-I loathe loose ends. You stated,"This is the most beautiful one yet. I'm waiting for Our Lady to jump out of it". Then you became angy when the poster following you made a flippant reply. What mystifies me is the cause of your angst & resentment.My conclusions are as follows:
    1.You angered over someone being critical of the photo
    2.You are a member of the mystical branch of Catholocism and truly expected a religious apparition to emerge, and you were angered over anomynous' disrespect.
    3. You thought you were very funny, and felt upstaged by anomynous' attempt at humor-you felt threatened & challenged.
    Finally, Harry Potter. Does this book reference mud puddles? If it does, I could see why you might think this was possibly clever/ humorous.
    Anyway, hope you reply and clear this up...I am a "puzzle" person and this one has me stumped.
    best regards..."the hot stock tip guy"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:36 PM  

  • Drk,
    sorry to offend re virgin comment. You had her jumping out of puddles, so I didn't think you would be religious sensatized in this regard. No hard feelings.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:40 PM  

  • I don't believe I am a wizard. If I am ,my powers are latent and as of yet -undiscovered.
    You know, i hate to spook anyone, but if you crook your neck to 2:00 and take a gander at the oily mud puddle once more, you will see a dead on match of the bird portrayed in the Babylonian bird cult (precursor to the Greek Phoenix cult)
    Wonder what it means. Oh well, off to bed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:47 PM  

  • In conclusion, lessons gleaned...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 PM  

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