Seattle to LA on bike

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

End of the line. The bike out of its box, the train tracks in the background, the future all around. Georgia, sweet Georgia.  Posted by Picasa

Even the subway station is slick in LA. On Sunday the 31st, I took the subway to the train station and boarded the Amtrak to Georgia. It was a 3 day trek that I won't delve into, in an attempt to keep to the spirit of seattletola.  Posted by Picasa

Aneka and I having brunch at a hip slick and cool cafe. Aneka, what was the name of this place again? They had their own shirts that said random stuff like 'mayonnaise served here'.  Posted by Picasa

And then there's the nightlife... its all glitz in Hollywood- I swear I saw Brad Pitt and Paris Hilton at least 4 times each... wait, is that Mandy Moore?? Posted by Picasa

yummy meal! Posted by Picasa

View from her deck.  Posted by Picasa

... which was... here!! Hollywood!! My friend Aneka lives there, just a block off Hollywood Blvd in this apartment building. Posted by Picasa

and the carnival slowly begins...the spectacle of LA invades my ireses like a sandstorm on Venice beach. I rode along a beach bicycle path to Venice, and, after an iced mocha and some people watching, began to weave my way through the maze to my final destination... Posted by Picasa