Seattle to LA on bike

Sunday, June 26, 2005

6/21/05, day 2, 0 miles, Tacoma- REST!

After a log-like 11 hour sleep, I spent Tuesday at Reneeā€™s recovering. I was so exhausted. I ate a crapload and was basically lazy, aside from a trip to REI and Performance bike shop for some supplies. I got a camp towel, mini duct tape, roadside repair book, padded unds, blue riding jersey, and an extra tube, plus 2 more pairs of socks. These have since proved to be wise purchases...

Tuesday evening, I spent some quality time with Heather and Renee, listening to music and joking around. Heather sang me some of the songs she had written, which were quite good! Very Avril Lavigne- esque ;)

Many thanks to Renee and Dan and fam for their hospitality during this invaluable renewal time!


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