Seattle to LA on bike

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

This is Rosalee and Sid, the owners of the little market. I ended up talking to them for about an hour. I knew something was amiss when I could barely walk past all the clutter to the fridge. Rosalee is the blesser of the bait and the talker of the two. She told me she has a special fish picture that she looks at and then when she looks up at the clouds or into the water, she sees The Lord, all the way down to his ankles. Then she blesses bait. I thought she was crazy until she showed me a picture that her son took of some dishes she has set up in the store. She said her spirit was in the picture, and then proceeded to point out very convincing shapes of cleopatra, a duck, and a heart with two eyes staring directly at us. Now no one has every accused me of playing with a full deck, but this was paranormal even for me.

Sid is 84, and spent 50 years out at sea as a merchant marine. Now he constantly cuts the grass and hedges, since he never got to on the boat (note the work gloves). These two were so quirky and adorable in their love for each other. As you can see, they made a real impact on me. Posted by Hello


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