Seattle to LA on bike

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

And then it happened again... With darkness falling and the fog too thick to cycle through, I sought refuge from the road in this turnout, where a couple RV's were parked. The old reliable conversation piece bike soon had me talking to a couple guys who were outside the RV's, and before I knew it, I was invited to a 7 course all I could eat Philippine feast! There were shrimp, potatoes, vegetables, soups, barbeque ribs, salad, and even a prune cake for dessert! Coffee, the whole nine. Not that I've ever lost faith in humanity, but if I had, this trip would surely have restored it. The three white folks in the middle are from Germany. They rolled up after we were eating, but still got some corn on the cob- did I forget to mention that? I sure did. They rented a motorhome and are touring LA to Seattle- what a strange nexus. It's all coming together... Posted by Picasa


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