Seattle to LA on bike

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Day 19, Friday, Rest and blog day in Crescent City

Pelicans hankerin for lunch. I spent the day in Rayjens coffee shop, using the wifi and chatting it up with the locals.
It started raining so I decided to camp one more night here. I went out for some karaoke at what seemed like the only bar in town and met two couples from Longview, WA. The guys were both car salesmen. They were quite drunk, but generally good company (bought me drinks! :D) It was not only a one bar town but a one beer town: the only thing on tap was Miller. Bit different from Seattle!Posted by Picasa


  • Gregory, you madman, you! From one karaoke specialist to another I tip my cap and challenge you to a full on karoake-fest when we next meet up. Could it be in Hungary? Nairobi? Singapore? or perhaps the backwoods of Minnesota? Either way I will sing something completely cheesy and offbeat and you will sing something by the Moody Blues. It really is nice to see you off on an adventure and I hope the good Lord (that is with a big L) keeps you safe and sane as you wonder and ponder the highways and backroads of Americana! Stay strong and peddle a few rotations just for me!

    You bud, Rich!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:32 PM  

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