Seattle to LA on bike

Friday, July 08, 2005

Day Marty, from Marty to Marty, Marty kilometers

This is the man, the myth, the legend, the prophet MARTY. Rolling out of the hostel at around noon, I see this guy come flying by on his spaceship/bike. He smiles, hits the brakes, crashes trying to slow down, gets up and without missing a beat, "Where you from?" he yells. Without waiting for an answer... "Where you headed?". "Seattle to LA". Marty: "When did you start?" Me: A couple weeks ago. Marty: I entered the states on Friday... what is it, Wednesday?

Marty is on his way from Vancouver to Mexico in 15 days, averaging well over 100 miles a day. He rides from 5am to 7pm every day. I spent the day riding with him and soaking up all his quirky life and travel wisdom delivered in stories and in hilarious fashion. He basically yelled these stories at me all day. Marty is a born entertainer. I even videotaped about 20 minutes of his ranting and ravings. He didn't mind at all. No inhibitions. What a world he must inhabit...


  • does his windscreen really work?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:16 PM  

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