Seattle to LA on bike

Friday, July 08, 2005

Marty: You wanna lead, follow, or get out of the way? Me: I'll follow in that wind tunnel. Marty: Come on, I'LL PULL YA!! Posted by Picasa


  • Grg,
    Did you check Marty's packs for a "Party 'till she's Cute" t-shirt? It's also good to see that Marty rides with the cars these days instead of chasing them. God finally answered his prayers and showed him how to beat his vice. Hopefully Diggler isn't checking these old photos anymore...I just caught up on his muddle puddle holy war and don't want to feel his wrath for mocking the healing powers of the big man upstairs. Harry Potter comment was straight up Geary.
    Do any blog sites come with spell check? I am paranoid that I am aggregiously (possible example)mispelling something for all to see and mock.
    Hey I know you are busy riding and spreading the love and rubbing lotion on your chapped nards each night but a little direct response back to the comments left on your site would be a nice touch.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 AM  

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