Seattle to LA on bike

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


The final 5 miles heading into Sam Taylor SP were a beautiful shaded bike path, among the first I've traveled since leaving Kent, WA. It makes all the difference to be away from the traffic, which can be quite annoying and nerve-wracking, with each passing car representing potential instant death and all...

The park is on a river and the day was still quite warm, so I jumped in for a refreshing swim, layed out in the sun to dry, then took a nice long shower and collapsed in my tent at the early hour of about 8pm! It was still light out! But the gods would not have me sleep undisturbed...

This particular site had wooden lockers to stash food in, but they should have used steel, because in the middle of the night, I heard a terrible racket coming from one of them. I feared it was a racoon, but soon heard the little chirping bastards- MICE! I opened it up and found they had gotten into my cocoa and thankfully nothing more. I made like a LOG till 9am.


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