Seattle to LA on bike

Monday, July 25, 2005

Day 30, Tuesday, Montara to Half Moon Bay, 10 miles

I woke up in severe pain at about 4am and decided I needed medical help. So I packed my stuff and biked in the morning mist to the next town of Half Moon Bay, where I found an optometrist. Apparently, my pupil became inexplicably stuck in one place and was unable to dilate and constrict. The pain I felt was the muscles struggling to move the pupil. The doctor had never seen such a case. She dilated my eyes and gave me some steroid drops to lube everything up. It worked beautifully. I spent the rest of the day in the small town of Half Moon Bay, where I met these fun-lovin Philly folks, Joe (middle), his girlfriend and her Dad. Joe just got a job working for Apple in San Jose. His photograph can be viewed at Apparently, the sign reading 'Buy Me Beer' was still affixed to my forehead, as they kept my grateful whistle soaked in fine microbrews. The road giveth and she giveth again. yeah humanity! Posted by Picasa


  • sorry you had eye issues... but good job going to the doc and getting it taken care of. I very much dislike any issues that have to do w/ eyes.yuck. - harm

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:44 PM  

  • Quite some amazing pics at the dangerlux site! Wow, what is inspiration...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:36 AM  

  • anon, see kill bill2
    hunch youll like it

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:05 PM  

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